Monday, March 28, 2011

Shake It Up!

I'm not a big Disney channel fan, (probably because I'm 25 lol).  But...I really liked "That's so Raven" and "Hannah Montana."  One of the newest shows on the Disney channel is called "Shake it up."  This show is about the life of two average middle school girls, Rocky and CeCe, who are dancers on a show called Shake it up Chicago.

I think the girls are super cute and fun with great personalities.  But...I don't know a lot of young black girls that wear their hair out all the time the way Zendaya's character does, so that concerns me a bit.  I feel that they should have made her character someone young African American girls can really relate to, especially since she's one of the only black characters on the show.

I like Gunther and Tinka because you don't see foreign characters on sitcoms often.  I think they are completely random and over the top, funny and I like the way they dress. 
CeCe's little brother is a bit of an over actor and kind of annoying.  Most of his little one liners are corny.  We could really do without him, but all sitcoms have to have that random little kid for whatever reason.  I actually liked the nerdy little boy who tutored CeCe in algebra a lot more.  CeCe's brother keeps Deuce and Ty in action because most of the time they're babysitting him.  Which brings me to another point...CeCe's mother is rarely ever on the show.  She has random cameos here and there.  She always shows up for 1 1/2 minutes of the show with her uniform on so they can force us to believe she's really a cop. 

I like Deuce.  He's cute and funny.  And Ty is cute and I really like when he dances. 

I like the fact that they gave Rocky and CeCe their own style and they don't dress like anyone else, BUT I really don't think it's necessary for them to wear quite so many clothes at one time.  It's almost annoying to look at.  If people really wore as many clothes at once as they do, they'd have to wash clothes every 3 1/2 days!

I think this is a cute show.  I love to dance and I love to watch people dance and Zendaya (love that name) and Bella are extremely talented in that area.  As with all shows, this one can us some tweaking, but I still think it's a great show!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bad Girls Club Season 4

Okay...I have to admit that this is a horrible show because of how the girls act and the horrible examples they set.  But this show is one of my guilty pleasures.  Season 4 was one of the better seasons in my opinion.

Season 2 was more on the calm side which I actually liked.  Season 6 was a little too all over the place and crazy for me with all the replacements and whatnot, but I like that season as well.  But this season was good because each of the girls were interesting in their own way, the girls did a combination of a lot of different things and I guess if you like to watch people fight, then that was another plus because they did a lot of that.

I was sad when Portia left because although the way she talks is kind of strange to listen to, she seemed to be a genuinely good person.  I hate that she had to result to violence, but I could understand why she got so upset with Natalie.  She definitely got the best of Natalie in the fight.  Natalie knocked her down a time or two, but Portia did most of the hitting.  She had a lot of rage which is to be expected when someone calls you a bad mother.

Flo seemed cool at times, but then she would flip out and go bananas over things that made no sense.  Her excuse was that she really cared about the girls and they all (especially Natalie) played her.  I really do believe that she cared about them, but I also feel like she did have a lot of jealously toward some of the girls.  No guys wanted her in LA, so to see the other girls with guys that upset her.  I hope Flo got into anger management classes.

Call me crazy, but I liked Annie.  I thought she was funny and I actually liked her annoyingly high-pitched voice.  It wasn't until the last episode when she started talking junk about Lexi, that Annie started to rub me the wrong way.  I'm still not sure why she was on the show, she didn't really seem like a bad girl to me, but I did like the way she fought dirty without ever being violent.

Kate had me fooled for the first few episodes.  I thought she was cool, but then when she got in with Natalie her truly colors came out and I realized how much of a "B" she really was.  When she and Natalie hated each other, she clung to Annie and Amber and then as soon as she thought Natalie was her friend, she started talking crap about them.  I thought that was really low.  But 2 good things I can say about Kate: she can really dress and her hair always looked really good.

I thought Lexi was really cute.  I actually like the name "Ms. Piggy" for her, but not in a bad way.  You just wanna pinch her cheeks.  (The ones on her face)  She was one of my favorites in the house because she stayed out of the drama, she didn't want to fight and argue, she literally went there to have a good time.  Some insecure people talked about her behind her back (and sometimes to her face) but she didn't let it get to her.  She was the sweetest one there and I have nothing bad to say about her at all.

I disliked Natalie a lot more the first time around.  I just finished watching this season again and although I still don't like her, I see now that she has a lot of deeply rooted issues and that's why she acts the way she does.  I think she's very unpretty; probably the least prettiest girl in the house.  She played Kendra and Kate like pawns and used them to her advantage.  She was not a good friend to any of the girls in the house; and the fact that she talked about every single one of the girls lets me know she definitely has some insecurities within herself and they probably have a lot to do with her chin.  Oh...but...I must say...Natalie could throw it on.  She has a lot of style and she was always dressed!

How could you not like Amber.  She was real.  She didn't pretend to like anyone that she didn't really like.  I didn't see anything phony about her.  She wasn't a slut and respected the fact that she had a boyfriend back at home.  Well...except for the fact that she was dancing with the guy in the club and the things she did with some of her roommates, but for the bad girls club it wasn't bad.  The only thing I didn't like was the big deal she made about going to the gay club, yet I'd seen her playfully kiss her roommates and grind on them.  Either way, I liked Amber from the first episode to the last.

Kendra was one of my least favorite people on the show.  The only person I liked less than her was Natalie.  For one, she was too up Natalie's butt and didn't want to be her own person.  I do believe that Natalie made Kendra who she was.  The one and only thing I liked about her was that she always sorta kinda tried to be the neutral person.  Her favorite line was, "I like my face."  Okay, the first time it was okay, but then she kept saying it.  She was overdoing it.  I didn't like the fact that she sat right there and watched Portia attack Natalie and didn't try to break up the fight before it got too bad.  I thought she was stupid for questioning the cop in Santa Barbara.  I thought she was slutty and didn't have any standards for herself.  Her excuse was that she could hook up with guys because she was single, but that didn't make it any less slutty.  I actually felt sorry for her.  I thought Kendra was corny, she couldn't dress to save her life, she was a follower and...I just didn't like her.

Bad Girls Club: A horribly good show!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pretty Little Liars

I'm not really big on teen dramas.  I've never watched an episode of "The Secret Life of the American Teenager," I tried to watch "Gossip Girls" once but couldn't get into it, I heard that "Glee" is good but it doesn't look interesting to me. The last drama I watched that I was really into was "7th Heaven."  (If anyone remembers that show.)

When I first saw the previews for "Pretty Little Liars," I knew I had to give this show a shot.  As it turns out, the show is amazingly amazing!  I love it!  There's so much mystery and suspense and so many secrets and unanswered questions.  I find myself literally taking notes on the show because I want to figure out the big secret before it's revealed.  

Once we find out who "A" is and who killed Alison (these may or may not be the same people...I for one don't think they are), what will happen to the show?  Once it's revealed, will people still be interested?  I know that I will just because there are still so many other secrets involved and I really enjoy the story line.  The other possibility is that they won't reveal "A" and the killer until years from now, which could also be a bad thing because the fans don't want to be strung along wondering and guessing.  Two years from now we shouldn't still be guessing and waiting to find out who killed Alison.  How many more new characters can they really bring in?

Speaking of characters, you have to just love the four leading an extent.  

Let's start with Emily: 

Honestly Emily's character is the most boring.  She's a very pretty girl, but her story line is not the most interesting.  I try really hard to believe the lesbian thing, but I don't.  I could see a lot of other actresses playing Emily's role and doing a much better job.  

Then there's Hannah:
Hannah has a lot going on in her life, from her relationship/non-relationship with with Shawn, and then there's Lucas who's clearly in love with her, her mother's a thief, her father's nonexistent...You can always expect something interesting to happen with Hannah every episode. 

Then Aria:
We all must admit that Aria is cute as a button and definitely the show's fashion icon.  Her story line is also interesting.  She's dating her English teacher, but she met him before she knew he was her teacher so neither of them are in any huge rush to call it off.  Then there's the family drama, with her dad cheating on her mom with a student and her mom moving out of the house.  I honestly couldn't see anyone else with Aria's role.  She plays it really well.

And last but most certainly not least, Spencer:
Spencer is hands down my favorite character.  She has her own look and her own style.  I love the way she dresses and how she marches to the beat of her own drum.  She's a pretty girl, fashionable and really smart and competitive.  If you ask me, from the info I've gathered throughout the duration of this show, I think Spencer either killed Alison or had something to do with it.  I've felt this from the very beginning based on simple clues especially the fact that while all the other girls were asleep, she was the only one up "looking for Alison." Hmph, I think my girl Spencer has a lot of secrets and knows a lot more than she lets on.

Only time will tell what happens with this show and who did what and why.  For now, I'm a faithful follower and watcher of "Pretty Little Liars."  They have my vote!  I give this show 5 stars and 2 thumbs up!! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are we there yet?

I'm sure everyone remembers the movie, Are we there yet? (2005).  Great movie!  Great story line! Great leading actors!  Ice Cube and Nia Long.  

Well now there's a sitcom on TBS called, Are we there yet?  I would imagine that this show is based on the movie.  I've suffered through 3 1/2 episodes of this show and I must say that it sucks.  

First of all, who did the casting?  Terry Crews and Essence Atkins make a horrible couple.  There's nothing believable about this relationship.  It's refreshing to see new kids getting their start on a sitcom, but those kids are extremely corny.  They bore me to death.  The wife's best friend/side kick is more interesting than anyone in the house and even she's not that interesting.  

I really think Ice Cube dropped the ball on this one.  The show will get a 10 episode test run.  I'm not wishing bad on the show but I don't see this show passing the test.  

I think they should go back to the drawing board and start all over.  The concept of the movie was good, and I could see it as a sitcom, just not this sitcom.  They should find an entirely new cast, get a new script and try again. (The one person they should keep is Telma Hopkins.  I loved her in Family Matters and Half & Half!  She's funny and could help bring the show to life.)

2 thumbs down for Are we there yet? the sitcom.