Monday, February 18, 2008

Eastern Stars Ball???????

The annual Eastern Stars ball is coming up. I've never been formally invited until this year and now everyone wants to know if I'm going. I would like to, kinda, sorta...I think. I'm not really the dancing partying type, but it's a family thing and my aunt says we'll have a lot of fun. I really don't know what to do. I'm trying to talk my girlfriend into going with me, but if she says no, that will be my way out. Knowing me, I'll be the boring one that goes there and doesn't even dance!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Disappointed :(

I hope no one marked my words like I asked, cuz I totally bombed that Psyc test. I'm so mad at myself. I tried, but not as hard as I could have. When I got my paper back. I instantly saw 4 problems that I got wrong and immediately knew what the correct answer. I guess I should have concentrated a bit more while taking that test.

To top things I off I have a test in Algebra tomorrow. I'm not half as confident as I would like to be. You can't really study for a math test. It's either you know it or don't. I HOPE I KNOW IT!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

First two grades

Well well well. I've had my first two tests in my two classes and regardless of what anyone thinks, I'm very proud of myself. Let's start with Psychology. For starters, I absolutely love that class. I was shooting for an A on my first test. I was positive that's what I'd get. What I ended up with was a B. I was satisfied, although I still wish I could've pulled that A. Next time around, I'm definitely getting an A. Mark my words! :)

Moving right along to Algebra. I was always pretty good at math until I was introduced to that dreadful algebra. I firmly believe that letters have no place in the math world. I don't think people should have to add or multiply letters to numbers. That's a little strange to me. But regardless of how I feel, I have to deal with it. So I sat in my class the first two weeks as my professor talked gibberish -which is essentially what algebra sounds like to me- and tried to make sense of it.

We were given our first test and needless to say, I did horribly. I'd rather not disclose the exact grade. For a moment, I felt that it was all hopeless, and that I was wasting mine and the professor's time, but I didn't want to give up. Last night I was working on my lastest homework packet for algebra, and I'll be damned. I knew what the hell I was doing. So far there are about 3 problems that I've gotten stuck on, and skipped for now, but everything else I completely understand. I'm so proud of myself. I think I'll do a lot better on the next test.

Now here's the irony of the whole thing. In Psychology the professor said that over all as a class, we did OKAY, and that there were only about two A's. I turned out to be one of those people that did fairly well. In Algebra the professor said over all as a class we did PRETTY GOOD, I turned out to be at the bottom of the barrell with a terrible grade.

But as I said, I'm still very proud of myself.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I started school last week on Monday. I was so proud of myself. There was a big problem though. I needed my books. I went to the finacial aid office last Wednesday (1/9/08) to see if my finacial aid went through. I was taking four classes. Because I'm an out of state student, my tuition is $3000 higher than others. I recieved money from a pell grant, financial aid, and a student loan. Still I didn't have enough money to cover my tuition. In fact, it was a good thing I went to the office when I did, because I would have gotten kicked out Monday (1/14/08)because I had a balance of $400 and something dollars. The end result was that I had to drop two classes. That was the only way I'd be able to stay in school, and have money left over for my books. Well, Thursday (1/10/08)came and my car broke down on me. We've had at least 4 different mechanics look at it and no one knows what's wrong with it. My school is a $12 cab ride away (each way), and I have a class everyday Mon-Fri. Let's do the math, that's $120 a week. Plus Bert's $18 a day to and from work fee. We can't afford that. Sometimes I feel like when I try to do something positive with my life it always seems to somehow fall through. It really sucks! There's no telling when and if that car is going to get fixed, and if so, how much it will cost. So do I A: Drop out of school until I have reliable transportation? or B: Pay the money to get to and from school and stay backed up in bills and rent? This is by no means intented to be a sob story, I'm just trying to make a point about life!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

This is my very first blog and I'm not exactly sure what to say. So for now I'm just going to say hi and bye.