Monday, February 18, 2008

Eastern Stars Ball???????

The annual Eastern Stars ball is coming up. I've never been formally invited until this year and now everyone wants to know if I'm going. I would like to, kinda, sorta...I think. I'm not really the dancing partying type, but it's a family thing and my aunt says we'll have a lot of fun. I really don't know what to do. I'm trying to talk my girlfriend into going with me, but if she says no, that will be my way out. Knowing me, I'll be the boring one that goes there and doesn't even dance!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Disappointed :(

I hope no one marked my words like I asked, cuz I totally bombed that Psyc test. I'm so mad at myself. I tried, but not as hard as I could have. When I got my paper back. I instantly saw 4 problems that I got wrong and immediately knew what the correct answer. I guess I should have concentrated a bit more while taking that test.

To top things I off I have a test in Algebra tomorrow. I'm not half as confident as I would like to be. You can't really study for a math test. It's either you know it or don't. I HOPE I KNOW IT!!!!!!!!