Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pretty Little Liars

I'm not really big on teen dramas.  I've never watched an episode of "The Secret Life of the American Teenager," I tried to watch "Gossip Girls" once but couldn't get into it, I heard that "Glee" is good but it doesn't look interesting to me. The last drama I watched that I was really into was "7th Heaven."  (If anyone remembers that show.)

When I first saw the previews for "Pretty Little Liars," I knew I had to give this show a shot.  As it turns out, the show is amazingly amazing!  I love it!  There's so much mystery and suspense and so many secrets and unanswered questions.  I find myself literally taking notes on the show because I want to figure out the big secret before it's revealed.  

Once we find out who "A" is and who killed Alison (these may or may not be the same people...I for one don't think they are), what will happen to the show?  Once it's revealed, will people still be interested?  I know that I will just because there are still so many other secrets involved and I really enjoy the story line.  The other possibility is that they won't reveal "A" and the killer until years from now, which could also be a bad thing because the fans don't want to be strung along wondering and guessing.  Two years from now we shouldn't still be guessing and waiting to find out who killed Alison.  How many more new characters can they really bring in?

Speaking of characters, you have to just love the four leading an extent.  

Let's start with Emily: 

Honestly Emily's character is the most boring.  She's a very pretty girl, but her story line is not the most interesting.  I try really hard to believe the lesbian thing, but I don't.  I could see a lot of other actresses playing Emily's role and doing a much better job.  

Then there's Hannah:
Hannah has a lot going on in her life, from her relationship/non-relationship with with Shawn, and then there's Lucas who's clearly in love with her, her mother's a thief, her father's nonexistent...You can always expect something interesting to happen with Hannah every episode. 

Then Aria:
We all must admit that Aria is cute as a button and definitely the show's fashion icon.  Her story line is also interesting.  She's dating her English teacher, but she met him before she knew he was her teacher so neither of them are in any huge rush to call it off.  Then there's the family drama, with her dad cheating on her mom with a student and her mom moving out of the house.  I honestly couldn't see anyone else with Aria's role.  She plays it really well.

And last but most certainly not least, Spencer:
Spencer is hands down my favorite character.  She has her own look and her own style.  I love the way she dresses and how she marches to the beat of her own drum.  She's a pretty girl, fashionable and really smart and competitive.  If you ask me, from the info I've gathered throughout the duration of this show, I think Spencer either killed Alison or had something to do with it.  I've felt this from the very beginning based on simple clues especially the fact that while all the other girls were asleep, she was the only one up "looking for Alison." Hmph, I think my girl Spencer has a lot of secrets and knows a lot more than she lets on.

Only time will tell what happens with this show and who did what and why.  For now, I'm a faithful follower and watcher of "Pretty Little Liars."  They have my vote!  I give this show 5 stars and 2 thumbs up!! 

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